Telephone 01327 842360 or call in to the surgery after 08:00 each weekday morning to arrange an appointment with either a Doctor, Practice Nurse or a Nurse Practitioner. Some appointments are available on-line booking, available via the link at the top of this page or via the NHS App. (You must be registered first with SystmOnline or the NHS App).
We endeavour to see patients on the same day as they request an appointment although occasionally we may only be able to offer an appointment on the following day.
There are a limited number of pre-bookable appointments available for follow up consultations.
The appointment system is regularly reviewed to try and offer the best service possible.
We try to make sure you see the clinician of your choice but if they are not available we may ask you to see another suitable clinician.
You may be asked to conduct your appointment by Video if the GP thinks it would be helpful. If this is the case, a text will be sent to you with instructions.